F3 North Houston

Getting Started with F3
Maybe you heard about F3 through a friend, family member, neighbor, podcast, news outlet, wherever and now you’re here looking for more information. We are glad you’re here!
F3 started in 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina and has grown globally, with 370+ regions across 6 continents and 18 countries, and 4,600+ scheduled workouts each week through the efforts of men whose lives have been changed by their involvement with F3. The three Fs in our name stand for Fitness, Fellowship and Faith — the last of which we define as simply a belief in something bigger than yourself.
Want to learn more? Watch a couple Videos or listen to the Podcast on “What is F3?” to get the basics:
Already posted to your first workout?
Click below to fill out the FNG form (friendly new guy)
Tips for your first workout
So, you’ve got past Your Excuses and you’ve decided to get off the couch and to give F3 a try? That is the first step to getting right and becoming the best version of yourself as a man.
There is one undeniable truth; Men need authentic relationships with other men who are working to be strong fathers, husbands and leaders. Isolation will destroy a man! We have the opportunity to change our community and the trajectory of our families. Getting in the best shape of your life is just a by-product. The workout is what draws most men like a magnet but the relationships, brotherhood and community keeps men coming back. Come check out an F3 workout near you and help us accomplish F3’s mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
- F3 does not require membership and is open to ALL men of ALL physical abilities. If you want to push hard, go ALL OUT, but if you haven’t exercised in a long time, MODIFY. Don’t hurt yourself or even worse, get discouraged. Just show up, work hard and give it your best.
- Read our Disclaimer, then simply decide that you want to get better with other men and join your first workout.
- Visit our Locations to see what region and workout site(s) works best for you.
- Unsure what some F3 term means? That’s okay…F3 uses its own lingo that’s been refined over the years to make workouts fun and build camaraderie. Consult the Lexicon or Exicon, an F3 exercise database.
- What do I need? All you need to bring is yourself with an open mind and a positive attitude ready to get better. If you are not meeting a friend at your first workout, simply show up and introduce yourself as a new guy. You’ll be welcomed.
- Wear regular workout clothes and athletic shoes. At some locations it is a good idea to bring gloves unless you have farmer hands.
- Be sure to fill out the FNG Form to get connect on Slack
- Follow F3 Nation on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
- If you’re someone who’s interested in service projects, check out and attend an F3 Fellowship or Faith event.
- Ask us any questions we didn’t cover or reach out to us HERE. We always look forward to hearing from men who have questions or whose lives have been IMPACTED or changed because of F3.